PlaneWave - EFA PC Port Protocol

EFA PC Port Protocol Overview


Standard Adresses
HCHand Control140x0D
FANFan Controller190x13
TEMPTemperature Sensor180x12

CommandDescriptionCMD (Hex)Send DataResponse DataSend Sample (Hex)Respond Sample (Hex)
MTR_GET_POSGet position0x01 3 bytes (encoder position)3B 03 20 12 01 CA

3B 06 12 20 01 00 00 00 C7

Encoder Position = 0
MTR_GOTO_POS2GOTO position0x173 bytes (encoder position)1 byte (1=OK) 

Goto Position = 0x140000 = 1310720

MTR_OFFSET_CNTSet current focuser encoder position. Often used to set focuser encoder to Zero.0x043 bytes (encoder position)1 byte (1=OK)3B 06 20 12 04 14 00 00 B0

Set Encoder Position = 0x140000 = 1310720
3B 04 12 20 04 01 C5

MTR_GOTO_OVERDetermine if the motor is moving during a GOTO?0x13 1 byte (255=YES, 0=NO)3B 03 20 12 13 B8

3B 04 12 20 13 FF B8

Goto is Over
MTR_SLEWLIMITMAXSet the Maximum Slew Limit.0x1B3 bytes1 byte (1=OK)3B 06 20 12 1B 3B 82 60 90

Set Min Slew Limit = 0x3B8260 = 3900000
3B 04 12 20 1B 01 AE

MTR_SLEWLIMITGETMAXReturns the Maximum Slew Limit in encoder ticks0x1D 3 bytes (encoder position)3B 03 20 12 1D AE

3B 06 12 20 1D 3A 4F A5 7D

Maximum Slew Limit = 0x3A4FA5 = 3821477
MTR_PMSLEW_RATEMove the motor positive. Motor will stop when the Max Slew Limit is reached.0x24One byte for the speed (stop to fastest) = (0x00 to 0x09)1 byte (1=OK)3B 04 20 12 24 09 9D

Go Positive Top Speed
3B 04 12 20 24 01 A5

MTR_NMSLEW_RATEMove the motor negative. Motor will stop when the Min Slew Limit is reached.0x25One byte for the speed (stop to fastest) = (0x00 to 0x09)1 byte (1=OK)3B 04 20 12 25 09 9C

Go Negative Top Speed
3B 04 12 20 25 01 A4

TEMP_GETGet the temperature of one sensor0x26One byte address(Primary=0, Ambient=1, Secondary=2)3 bytes (byte1=address, [byte2 & byte3] = Temperature...See Formula Below)3B 04 20 12 26 01 A3

Request Temp for ambient
3B 05 12 20 26 5C 01 46

Temp=5C01 (see below for conversion to Celcius)
FANS_SETSet the fans, on or off.0x271 byte (1=ON, 0=OFF)1 byte (1=OK)3B 04 20 13 27 01 A1

3B 04 13 20 27 01 A1

FANS_GETGet the fans state, on or off.0x28 1 byte (0=ON, 3=OFF)3B 03 20 13 28 A2

3B 04 13 20 28 00 A1

MTR_GET_CALIBRATION_STATEDetermine if the focuser as been calibrated. Useful for Handcontrol and PWI Focus software.0x301 byte (0x40)1 byte (0=NO, 1=YES)3B 04 20 12 30 40 5A

3B 04 12 20 30 01 99

Motor = calibrated.
MTR_SET_CALIBRATION_STATESet the calibration state for the focuser. Useful for Handcontrol and PWI Focus software.0x312 bytes (Calibrated = 40 01) and (Not = 40 0)1 byte (1=OK)3B 05 20 12 31 40 01 57

Set calibration = true
3B 04 12 20 31 01 98

MTR_GET_STOP_DETECTDetermine if Motor will stop when the focuser hits a physical hardstop.0xEE 1 byte (1=YES, 0=NO)3B 03 20 12 EE DD

3B 04 12 20 EE 01 DB

Stop Detect = enabled
MTR_STOP_DETECTSet the controller to stop when focuser hits a physical hardstop.0xEF1 byte (1=YES, 0=NO) 3B 04 20 12 EF 01 DA

Set Stop Detect = enabled
3B 03 12 20 EF DC

MTR_GET_APPROACH_DIRECTIONGet the approach of motor during a goto0xFC 1 byte (0=negative, 1=positive=default)3B 03 20 12 FC CF

3B 04 12 20 FC 00 CE

Motor is set to approach from positive, this is default.
MTR_APPROACH_DIRECTIONGet the approach of motor during a goto0xFD1 byte (0=negative, 1=positive=default)1 byte (1=OK)3B 04 20 12 FD 00 CD

Set APPROACH = positive, this is default.
3B 04 12 20 FD 01 CC

GET_VERSIONGet Firmware Version0xFE 2 bytes (byte1=Major, second byte2=minor)3B 03 20 12 FE CD

3B 05 12 20 FE 01 05 C5

Version = 1.5

Convert Temperature to Celcius
Conversion of the two received bytes to Celcius

int rawTemp = byte2*256 + byte3
bool tempIsNeg = false
if(rawTemp > 32768)
  tempIsNeg = true
  rawTemp = 65536 - rawTemp
int intPart = RawTemp / 16
int fractionDigit = (RawTemp - intPart) * 625 / 1000
float celciusTemp = intPart + fractionDigit / 10
if(tempIsNeg) celciusTemp = -celciusTemp

PC Port Cable - RJ45 and DB9