
University of Louisville

CDK700 in Queensland, Australia The CDK700 is a 27-inch, state-of-the-art, corrected Dall Kirkham telescope. On a Nasmyth mounting with precision encoders,…

55 years ago

California State University San Bernardino

PlaneWave Instruments 17-inch CDK Twin 46-foot high domes house two telescopes in the Pauline and George Murillo Observatory which opened…

55 years ago

Georgia College

 PlaneWave Instruments 24-inch CDK Faraway galaxies, stars and planets come to life through the view of a new 24-inch research…

55 years ago

Wheaton College

PlaneWave Instruments 24-inch CDK “Real-time digital images from the telescope can be streamed down to an astronomy classroom on the…

55 years ago