# PWI 4.1.5 beta 8 Added: - Driver for RC700/PW700 mount with the EtherCAT controller upgrade Fixed: - Fixed typos in Hedrick Focuser and IRF90 advanced settings panel where values were labeled as being in "degrees" or "counts per revolution" rather than "microns" and "counts per micron". - Fixed duty cycle period for Series5/RC700 heaters # PWI 4.1.5 beta 7 Added: - Add options to log communication traffic to Series5 and other PWBus controllers. Changed: - When tracking a target through the NoWrap boundary, the system will continue tracking rather than performing an immediate unwrap. - If turning tracking on from a position beyond the NoWrap boundary, the system will start tracking from the current position rather than performing an unwrap. - PWI4 and all associated libraries now target .NET Framework 4.8 # PWI 4.1.5 beta 6 Added: - Add driver for PW1000 with the optional PW EtherCat motion controller Changed: - Minimum exposure length for focus runs and manual exposures can now be as low as 0.001 seconds. - Re-word the firmware update text on the L Mount Ethernet settings panel to look less like an error. Fixed: - Fixed bug that generated an error message and prevented Settings window from closing if a T600 mount driver was selected but the Mount settings page was never chosen prior to closing. # PWI 4.1.5 beta 5 Changed: - Further internal changes to CPU usage reduction for the L mount driver. The CPU usage factor now has less of an impact on actual communication performance with the mount when set to low values between 1 and 10. - Advanced controller options for L mounts are now shown automatically if any settings are set to non-default values or if the "Show advanced" button is clicked. Fixed: - Avoid flooding the log with messages if a PWBus rotator/focuser motor error occurs while moving. # PWI 4.1.5 beta 4 Added: - Tab pages can be detached into separate windows or re-ordered by right-clicking on the tab header - Refresh interval for the background of the sky viewer can now be configured, and the default value has changed from 1 to 5 seconds to reduce CPU usage and network bandwidth for barely-visible changes. Overlays such as telescope crosshairs will continue to update at normal speed. - Under the Controller settings for an L Mount driver, advanced options have been added to configure the CPU reduction factor and to optionally disable the automatic drive backups that are normally collected when connecting to the mount. - Add extra options to the T600 ECat controller config (not yet available in the GUI) to change the communication timeout and record a log of all communication. Changed: - Changed the mount status value grid to optimize display and reduce CPU usage when visible. Fixed: - Fix behavior with Telescope ASCOM driver introduced in PWI 4.1.5 beta 2 that would cause PWI4 to continually re-launch if closed while another program is connected. # PWI 4.1.5 beta 3 Added: - Improve support for mirror covers that operate via Series 5 controllers by adding a specialized Series 5 option to the driver selection list. - Add extra detail to the PW1000 logs when initializing absolute encoder positions. - Add azimuth/altitude and temperature fields to telemetry log Changed: - PW1000 mirror cover driver will only be selectable if a PW1000 mount is selected. - In PWI4 logs, add month and day to the abbreviated Local Time timestamp. - In the HTTP status, on systems with multiple rotators and an M3 port selector, the "rotator" section now reports status for the rotator that is currently in use on the selected M3 port. The new "rotator.index" property reports which rotator is considered "active". This implementation is subject to change in the near future. # PWI 4.1.5 beta 2 Added: - Extra logging when connecting to EFA devices to diagnose issues related to losing position - EFA driver will attempt to stop the rotator and/or focuser before disconnecting - Implement the TrackingRate property in the Telescope ASCOM driver to support Lunar, Solar, and King tracking rates in addition to standard sidereal tracking Fixed: - T600-Ecat driver now correctly uses the configuration option to create high-frequency status logs upon connecting to the mount. Previously, these logs would be created automatically and could consume substantial disk space. # PWI 4.1.5 beta 1 Added: - New --instance=N command line argument, where N is an integer (0, 1, 2, etc.), to allow multiple instances of PWI4 to run simultaneously. The TCP and HTTP API servers will run on port 9220+N and 8220+N by default. This option should be combined with the --root-dir=(path), especially for instance numbers higher than 0, to give each running instance a unique directory for loading config files, writing logs, etc. - Added ASCOM "Focuser #2" and "Rotator #2" drivers for controlling focuser and rotators running in a second instance of PWI4. Note that these drivers are not registered in the ASCOM device list by default, and will need to be specially enabled. # PWI 4.1.4 Added: - Any time the nowrap region is changed, a message gets logged Changed: - If trying to access the Build Pointing Model window without a camera selected, there is now an option to continue without a camera in case you need to access some of the non-camera-related features of this window, such as adding an artifical Azimuth offset. - Removed some frequently-repeated log messages that were causing the PWI4 log file to become too large. Fixed: - Fixed derotation direction settings for Maestro-based PW1000 mounts # PWI 4.1.3 Added: - Add support for PlaneWave mirror covers, using either the standalone mirror cover controller or the integrated PW1000 OTA controller. - Add ASCOM driver to control PlaneWave mirror covers via PWI4. - Add commands and status to HTTP API for mirror cover. - Installer produces more thorough logs in order to diagnose any issues that may occur during installation. Changed: - Default timespan for temperature graph changed from 5 minutes to 1 hour. Fixed: - Fix crashes under Linux when attempting to connect to a Maestro or PWBus devices that aren't present at the configured IP address. - Fix crash under Linux that could occur when dragging on a graph to zoom in. - Fix a few GUI layout issues under Linux (temperature graph, temperature control tab, and status bar) - Fix M3 status bar button to correctly display connected/disconnected status # PWI 4.1.2 Added: - CDK700 mounts now remember if they have been homed since the last power cycle, and warn at startup if there is a need to home before moving. - Series 5 / PWBus controller: add support for advanced communication settings, including timeout, number of retries, and a CPU-reduction factor that can reduce CPU usage on the machine in exchange for slightly slower response times from the driver. Changed: - Improved handling of sexagesimal numbers for coordinate input. Can now recognize some unicode characters commonly found in copy-paste scenarios, such as the "minus sign" character (distinct from the hyphen character found on many keyboards), the degree, prime, and double prime symbols, and can handle extra spaces around these delimieters. - In the Temp tab, show temperature sensors in a standard order rather than in whatever order the sensors were detected. Fixed: - On CDK700 systems, fix a bug in the configuration that could prevent fans and heaters from becoming available for control. - On Series5 systems, if the motor is reporting a fault and the "Power off motor when stopped" option is enabled, the fault would not clear the next time the motor was enabled. This has been fixed. - Fix bug related to a Port 2 IRF90 overwritting the selected focuser/rotator for Port 1. # PWI 4.1.1 Fixed: - On RC700 systems with a Series 5 Rotator connected to a Base Controller, fix a crash that can occur after a goto when using the "Power off motor when stopped" feature. # PWI 4.1.0 Final Added: - Add OTA Accessory devices for Series5 and RC700/PW1000 OTA controllers, to allow temperature/fans/heaters/M3 to be enabled without an associated focuser or rotator device on the same controller. - Add temperature regulation support for RC700/CDK700/PW1000 systems - Add support for RC1000 M2 focusers Changed: - When manually turning fans or heaters on/off in the GUI, temperature regulation will automatically be disabled # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 35 Added: - L Mount Board Utility is now bundled with PWI4 and includes the latest Ethernet-compatible firmware. This tool to perform a firmware update and configure hardware IP settings for the L mount can now be launched directly from the Ethernet configuration section of the L Mount settings page. - New API commands for homing focusers and rotators: /focuser/find_home?index=(value) /rotator/find_home?index=(value) where (value) = 0 (default) or 1 to select which unit to home. - Impemented configurable high-frequency logging for Maestro mounts, and add a Command menu item to selectively enable/disable high-frequency logging with custom filenames. - For each temperature, show delta-temperature value (difference from ambient) - For L mounts, report if mount is equatorial or Alt-Az in the top label of the Mount tab - For L mounts, warn if mount has not yet been homed Changed: - In temperature regulation settings, only show fan/heater zones that exist for the currently-configured hardware. - Migrate temperature regulation to new config format Fixed: - Fixed typo in logs for PWECat and Maestro drivers that mis-reported some status information while unwinding the Azimuth encoder value upon first connecting. # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 34 Added: - If a device is added to the system configuration, other devices likely to be paired with it are also added. For example, if an IRF90 focuser is added, an IRF90 rotator is also added. - Add new "OTA Accessory" device category, with the Delta-T dew heater as an option - Implement OTA selection and configuration in Settings window - Allow multipe temperature controllers to be connected/disconnected in the user interface (e.g. Delta-T and EFA) - Allow Celsius or Fahrenheit selection in temperature table and graph - Allow heater power percent to be set when turning on manually - Show heater and fan status in temperature graph - In temperature graph, scale Y range according to visible range of X values. For example, if only 1 hour of data is shown, Y range is not affected by values from 6 hours ago. - Improve error handling in Network Time window - Add option for continuous exposures in Camera tab - Extend the settings UI for EFA focusers and rotators - Make EFA focuser/rotator velocities configurable - Dramatically improve settling time at the end of a goto for EFA focusers and rotators - Add initial temperature regulation manager and associated page in Settings UI - When homing EFA devices, add option to move to a configured position after homing is complete Changed: - ASCOM Rotator driver now reports position in the range 0 - 360, in accordance with the ASCOM spec, rathern than potentially producing negative angles at some orientations. - Update and simplify the names of some drivers - Remove "experimental" from name of the IRF90 and Hedrick focuser drivers - Update AutoTuner to 1.0.3b7, which includes tools to backup/restore parameters, additional motor protection settings, and communication improvements. Fixed: - Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when clicking the "Filter" button in the log window, and improved the user interface of the filter window. - Fixed bug that could stop fans from running on EFA controllers - In EFA driver, handle negative positions correctly - Series 5 devices: fix communication bug that could occur during homing - Fix bug that prevented using 0 as a custom home position on L mounts # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 33 Added: - Option to show crosshairs in image viewer (via right-click menu) - Driver for Delta-T dew heater Changed: - L Mount homing velocity is now limited to 20 degs/sec, regardless of what the slew velocity is configured to be. - L Mount homing velocity is also limited based on the configured acceleration, so that an axis never takes more than 1 second to stop after crossing the home sensor. Fixed: - Fixed bug that prevented custom L mount home positions from being set to exactly 0. # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 32 Added: - In the Settings window, when selecting the serial port for an EFA-based device, (Hedrick focuser or IRF90), there is now a "Test connection" button that can be used to verify that there is an EFA device on that port. This can save time when setting up a focuser on a system that has many serial ports attached. - In the settings window for the T600, add a "Restore defaults" link for the connection settings. - Updated AutoTuner to support RC700, T600, and newer PW1000 mounts Fixed: - In the IRF90 and Series 5 rotator drivers, fix a bug that was causing many repeated messages to get written to the log file. - Fix default IP address of T600 mount - Minor visual fixes to the image viewer context menu and mouse info viewer window # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 31 Added: - A line indicating where a mount will unwrap is now included on the sky chart. Changed: - T600 mount driver now detects which version of the communication protocol is in use and can communicate with both older and newer firmware versions. # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 30 Added: - Support for two EFA controllers, typically used on CDK700 systems - Add an option (enabled by default) to turn off power to Series 5 motors when the devices are not actively moving. This option can reduce heating, avoid certain types of errors being reported by the controler, and may increase the lifetime of the motors. Fixed: - Clicking "Setup" when the second Focuser or Rotator is in use will go to the correct page in the Settings interface - Fixed a bug that caused focuser/rotator movement to report as being completed too early in some cases, for both the HTTP and ASCOM interfaces. - Fixed a bug that could cause a stopped Series 5 rotator to unnecessarily lose its position on a power cycle. # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 29 Changed: - Updates to the PWECat protocol; compatible with version 1.0.2 of the T600 PWECat controller. Fixed: - Bugfix for CDK700/PW1000 that caused Azimuth limits to be overly restrictive # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 28 Added: - In the Rotator tab, added a "Set PA" button. If the position angle seen by the camera at the current orientation is known, this can be used to calculate the correct Position Angle offset - In the Rotator tab, enhanced the "Calibrate with camera" tool. The position angle can now be measured automatially with the selected camera driver (rather than just Maxim DL), and the resulting position angle can be previewed and set directly from that tool. - Rotator position offsets are now saved and restored at startup. Each rotator driver can have its own unique offset. - For Series 5 and other PWBus-based rotators, the background color of the Mech Position readout indicates whether or not the current position value has been saved to permanent storage. If the background color is yellow, powering off the rotator will cause the position to be lost and require a rehome. If the background color is green, the position should be correctly saved and restored after the next power cycle. Changed: - In the Slew Demo window, the "Pause After slew" value is no longer restricted to a maximum of 90 seconds. Fixed: - "Find Home" button is now always accessible for Series 5 and other PWBus-based focusers - Fixed some visual alignment issues in the Rotator tab # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 27 Added: - New features for T600-EtherCAT mounts: * Settings panel * Custom acceleration value support * Use TCP instead of UDP for receiving mount status * Reset some operating parameters to a consistent state when connecting * Unwind encoder readout at startup based on no-wrap sensors # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 26 Added: - HTTP command: /mount/model/add_artificial_offset_point - HTTP command: /mount/model/delete_artificial_points - Optional "update_wrap" parameter for /mount/custom_path/apply command - Add initial support for T600 mounts with PWECat controller - Add support for configuring number of reuses in Keep-Alive connections to the HTTP API. The value in previous versions was set to 100, and this remains the default, but it can now be changed to any value in the config, including 0 (unlimited). Changed: - T600 encoder unwinder parameters have been modified slightly to account for the NoWrap sensor configuration in recent units. - If a CDK700 is configured with an EFA-based device, fan control will correctly be routed to the CDK700 controller rather than the EFA. Fixed: - Default NoWrap parameter of the Simulator mount should now work properly with the default position limit settings for that mount. # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 25 Added: - Extra logging for ASCOM camera driver # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 24 Changed: - Hide unsupported camera drivers when running under Linux Fixed: - Fixed crashes when selecting an ASCOM camera driver if some ASCOM drivers were improperly registered. - Fixed error if the ASCOM camera driver was selected but no specific ASCOM device was chosen. # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 23 Fixed: - Fixed bug in the /rotator/disable API call that could cause it to have no effect. # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 22 Added: - ASCOM driver now reports GuideRateRightAscension and GuideRateDeclination Changed: - Re-enabled the /fans/on and /fans/off API calls, after they had temporarily been disabled. # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 21 Fixed: - Fixed bug that could prevent Ethernet connections to L Mounts from working properly in Linux - Better cleanup of failed Ethernet connections to L Mounts, so that connections are more likely to succeed when re-tried # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 20 Changed: - Rotators: "Altitude compensation" and "Reverse positive direction" settings are now set automatically depending on which combination of hardware is in use Fixed: - PW1000: fix bug that caused communication loop time to gradually become longer when derotation is enabled - Rotators: fix bug that could cause an out-of-range target to be selected when choosing an unwound target during a goto. # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 19 Added: - Warn if no camera is selected prior to building an automated pointing model or performing autofocus Fixed: - CDK700/PW1000 driver now correctly reports comm loop time in telemetry log - RC700 M2 focuser should now use correct homing parameters. (It was previously using parameters that were intended for Series5 focusers.) - Fixed bug where RC700 M2 focuser was incorrectly being assigned as Focuser #2 even though it was configured as Focuser #1 # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 18 Added: - Add experimental Hedrick Focuser and IRF90 drivers - Add temperature and fan support for EFA-based devices Changed: - CDK700 homing speed is now limited to either 10 degs/sec or the configured slew speed for that axis, whichever is lower. Previously it would home at 10 degs/sec regadless of the slew speed setting. # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 17 Added: - Add device profile for early CDK700 mounts (serial # 1 thru 4) - Add configuration migration from the old 4.0.X scheme to the current configuration scheme. Selected devices and L Mount configuration values (including custom LMount.cfg config entires) will be migrated automatically, and old values will be left in case an earlier version of PWI4 needs to be run again. - Add park position configuration to RC700/T600/PW1000-M settings page # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 16 Added: - Camera tab, for controlling the PWI4-connected camera directly and for showing the latest images that were taken by the Build Model and Focus Run routines Changed: - Focus run now starts in the most-racked-out position and moves inward, so that the default backlash compensation parameters do not get triggered with each focus run movement. # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 15 Added: - Add button to ASCOM Camera Settings page to show the manufacturer's driver settings window - All L mount settings now take effect immediately when changed, without needing to disconnect/reconnect or restart PWI4 - Command-line option to run PWI4 without the GUI (experimental) - Add backlash compensation options to the Series 5 focuser - Add custom mount geometry settings to the L Mount and Simulated Mount settings pages - Add axis limit settings to the Simulated Mount settings page, and enable live updating of all settings for the simulator - Add "Auto-enable motor" functionality to PW1000 focusers - Add live updating of PW1000 focuser settings - Add live updating and park position to CDK700 / PW1000 mount settings - Add live updating of RC700/PW1000-M/T600 mount settings, and add optional independent velocity/acceleration settings for each axis - Add optional independent velocity/acceleration for CDK700 and PW1000 mounts - Add settings GUI for PW1000 rotators - Add live updating and limit settings for Series 5 rotator/focuser - Add option to perform small offset moves or specify jog velocity in focuser user interface Fixed: - Fixed error that could occur when disconnecting L mount with "Disable motors when disconnecting" option is enabled. # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 14 Added: - Add selectable Maxim and ASCOM camera drivers - Add ACR PW1000 mount driver back in (which was previously missing from the 4.0.99-beta series due to compatibility issues) - Add initial support for Maestro PW1000 mount, focusers, and rotators - Add T600-Maestro mount driver - Add configurable Azimuth axis unwinder settings for Maestro-based mounts - Add same ASCOM driver improvements that were added to 4.0.20 release, including: - Option to log details of each call to the ASCOM Telescope driver, with configurable rate limiting - Options to reset the RA/Dec offset tracking rates under various circumstances for the ASCOM telescope driver, to improve compatibility with TheSkyX. - Improvements to temperature/fan user interface - Panels with advanced settings that are normally hidden will be shown automatically if they contain any non-default settings - Add option to disable monitoring of encoder unwinder sensors for Maestro-based mounts - Enable live updating of Maestro mount settings Changed: - Updated link to MPC astorb database since the old location had been shut down - Under Linux, the home directory for config files, logs, etc., has changed from ~/PlaneWave Instruments to ~/.planewave. If the old-style directory exists, it will continue to be used, but for new installations the new directory will be used. - In some Settings screens, non-default settings are now shown in bold to draw attention to their non-default status - If Maestro Azimuth unwinder sensors report invalid results, disable the Azimuth motor (instead of dropping the connection to the mount) and show the error message only once per motor enable/disable cycle Fixed: - Fix possible crash in system performance monitor thread # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 13 (2022/12/15) Added: - Option in Build Model window to set the encoders via PlateSolve (not recommended for use unless explicitly instructed by PlaneWave Instruments) - Build Model messages get wrriten to the general PWI4 log file - Link to open the pointing model from the Build Model window - Option to use a limit sensor instead of the home sensor for homing a CDK700 Altitude axis # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 12 (2022/11/19) Incorporates changes that were made to 4.0.16 Added: - Logging of new mount targets - Logging of L Mount homing procedure - Notification of when L Mount homing is complete - Additional error checking of L Mount homing errors - Automated backup of L Mount controller configuration parameters Changed: - Cleaned up formatting of notifications in the log file # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 8 thru 11 Added: - Substantial improvements to rotator control code, with more reliable goto and jogging functionality - Updated rotator control GUI - Rotator position angle calibration options - If selecting the Moon, Sun, or a planet as a target, track the object itself rather than just the RA/Dec where the object happens to be at the moment the slew is requested. Changed: - Cleaned up some error messages Fixed: - For CDK700 systems with Series 5 accessories, OTA fan control will route through the CDK700 electronics rather than the Series 5 electronics - If only a subset of temperature/heater/fan control is connected, only the relevant panels will be enabled. - Fixed memory leak that was causing unnecessary GC pressure and occasional multi-second lockups of the application # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 7 Added: - Extra TcpServer logging - CDK700 motors need to go through a 15-30 second initialization process the first time they are enabled after a power cycle. PWI4 will show that these motors are in the process of enabling while this is happening, rathern than immediately reporting that they are enabled. Fixed: - Improved CDK700 homing procedure to be more robust and to avoid sudden position jumps that could occur under certain circumstances when resetting the encoder. # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 6 Added: - Detect if Series 5 rotator needs to be homed, and require homing in GUI before allowing gotos - Add system performance monitoring, to log data for diagnosing potential performance issues in the system - Log communication errors for Aux-based devices (Series5 equipment, etc) - CDK700: Add optional custom home position config entires Fixed: - For ACR mounts (PW1000 and CDK700): Fix issues related to clock drift and pointing errors after 24 days of being powered on - Improved retry logic for maintaining connections to Series5 equipment # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 5 Added: - Add initial support for CDK700 mount and M3 - Add UnwrapPositionDegs option to mount configuration files - Add Fan and M3 sections to the status bar # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 4 Added: - Add support for multiple PWBus controllers, particularly the RC700 OTA controller (providing secondary mirror focuser) and the RC700 Base controller (providing rotator support). - Add RC700 M3 support via the OTA controller # PWI 4.0.99 Beta 1 thru 3 Added: - Major internal restructuring of drivers and settings in order to expand hardware support for current and future products. # PWI 4.0.20 Final (2023/02/01) Added: - Option to log details of each call to the ASCOM Telescope driver, with configurable rate limiting - Options to reset the RA/Dec offset tracking rates under various circumstances for the ASCOM telescope driver, to improve compatibility with TheSkyX. # PWI 4.0.19 Final Fixed: - Fix clock rollover bug that can occur on PW1000 mounts approximately every 24 days. # PWI 4.0.18 Final (2022/12/15) Added: - Experimental /rotator/follow_vector command in HTTP API - Experimental rotator.dist_to_target_arcsec and rotator.is_following_target status values in HTTP API # PWI 4.0.17 Final (2022/12/09) Fixed: - Avoid reporting NaN values for estimated velocity in HTTP API # PWI 4.0.16 Final (2022/12/02) Added: - Logging of new mount targets - Logging of L Mount homing procedure - Notification of when L Mount homing is complete - Additional error checking of L Mount homing errors - Automated backup of L Mount controller configuration parameters Changed: - Cleaned up formatting of notifications in the log file # PWI 4.0.15 Final Added: - Position angle calibration for Port 1 and Port 2 PW1000 rotators # PWI 4.0.14 Final Changed: - .NET Framework 3.5 is no longer required to install PWI4 # PWI 4.0.13 Final Added: - New HTTP API command for setting the Axis0 wrap range: /mount/set_axis0_wrap_range_min - New HTTP API status values: mount.distance_to_sun_degs mount.axis0_wrap_range_min_degs mount.axisN.min_mech_position_degs mount.axisN.max_mech_position_degs mount.axisN.target_mech_position_degs mount.axisN.max_velocity_degs_per_sec mount.axisN.setpoint_velocity_degs_per_sec mount.axisN.measured_velocity_degs_per_sec mount.axisN.acceleration_degs_per_sec_sqr mount.axisN.measured_current_amps - pwi4_client.py updated to include these new API features Fixed: - /mount/goto_coord_pair should now correctly report mount.status.is_slewing=true until it has arrived on target # PWI 4.0.12 Final Changed: - Promoted 4.0.11 beta 18 to an official release # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 18 Added: - Added retries to PWI4 Telescope ASCOM driver in case the connection between ASCOM and the PWI4 process is temporarily interrupted. - Changed: ASCOM driver once again accepts altitude coordinates below 0 degrees in SlewToAltAz (for pointing at flat screens, etc.) # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 17 Fixed: - Fixed API bug that caused PWI3 to occasionally choose the wrong rotator PA angle when configured with the "Offset PA by 180 for northern targets" option. # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 16 Added: - Options to set custom focuser acceleration/velocity values in the PW1000_custom.cfg configuration file. # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 15 Fixed: - Fixed bug that could cause a NullReferenceException message to appear in rare instances when stopping the telescope via the HTTP server API. # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 14 Fixed: - CanFindHome and AtHome properties of the ASCOM driver should no report correct values. # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 13 Added: - Option to choose the PWI4 configuration location as a command line argument - Enhancements to allow multiple copies of PWI4 to run simultaneously with independent configurations and server parameters. # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 12 Fixed: - Further optimizations to graph redraws # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 11 Changed: - Improved the autofocus sequence to more quickly and reliably determine when the focuser has settled into position and an exposure can begin. Fixed: - Reduced number of unnecessary graph / skyviewer redraws on Linux systems when portions of the user interface are not visible due to tab selection or the window being minimized. - Fixed bug that prevented the "Reverse" field de-rotation rate option from taking effect # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 10 Added: - Added settling criteria option and tracking quality color-coding to Slew Demo window - Implemented error message reporting in PW700 driver - SIMBAD lookup tool can now optionally apply proper motion - When clicking on a sky chart target, an option to refine the coordinates via SIMBAD lookup is now available under the "More" menu Changed: - Make it easier to modify the Slew Time Constant under the "Advanced Mount Settings" tab Fixed: - Fixed issues related to enabling/disabling PW700 motors and recovering from errors - Fixed bug in PW700 driver that could cause sudden jumps during final approach of a target or during extremely slow target movement. - Fixed bug that could cause slews to be reported as "complete" too early, especially on the PW700. # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 9 Added: - Sample Python scripts are now included with the installer - Added commands to the HTTP API: /mount/model/delete_point /mount/model/enable_point /mount/model/disable_point - Added "altaz_topocentric" and "altaz_observed" and target coordinate types in the /mount/custon_path API - New menu item "Help > Python scripting" will show the directory with the sample scripts - New menu item "Help > Logs" will show the directory with the PWI4 logs # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 8 Added: - Additional HTTP API commands for controlling the spiral search function: /mount/spiral_offset/new /mount/spiral_offset/next /mount/spiral_offset/previous - Additional HTTP status to report on the spiral offset state: mount.spiral_offset.x mount.spiral_offset.y mount.spiral_offset.x_step_arcsec mount.spiral_offset.y_step_arcsec # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 7 Added: - Implemented "Reverse" property of ASCOM Rotator driver # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 6 Fixed: - Fixed issues with Move() command in ASCOM Rotator driver and the /rotator/offset HTTP API command - Added a +/- 2 micron tolerance to ASCOM Focuser position reporting. If a move to position X is requested, and the actual position is X +/- 2 microns, then the ASCOM driver will report the position as being X. This improves compatibility with automation software such as Sequence Generator Pro and N.I.N.A. # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 4 and Beta 5 Added: - New "Favorites" tab under Find Target window - "Preview with Google Sky" feature in Find Target window - Mount offset status reported in HTTP API under /status - Additional offset commands for HTTP API: [axis]_stop [axis]_stop_gradual_offset [axis]_set_total_arcsec [axis]_add_gradual_offset_arcsec Fixed: - Custom IP addresses from LMount.cfg stopped being read correctly a few releases ago. This has now been fixed. # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 3 Added: - Add UseCustomPolarAltitudeDegs and PolarAltitudeDegs to LMount.cfg Changed: - Maestro-based mount startup info is now logged to a file rather than being displayed as a notification # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 2 Added: - Add Axis1PositiveLimitDegs and Axis1HomePositionDegs as optional values for LMount.cfg # PWI 4.0.11 Beta 1 Added: - Implemented FindHome() in ASCOM driver for L-series mounts # PWI 4.0.10 Final Changed: - Promoted version 4.0.9 Beta 28 to 4.0.10 Final. No functional changes. # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 28 Fixed: - Fixed issue that could cause L Mount axes to never fully settle onto their target position. This primarily affects the Declination axis on equatorially-mounted L mounts, but may also affect Alt-Az axes in certain parts of the sky where the tracking rate is very close to 0. # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 27 Added: - Enhancements to PW700 mount and focuser drivers # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 26 Fixed: - Fixed bug related to parking after slews to certain sky locations when experimental NoWrap handling feature is enabled. # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 24 and 25 Added: - PWI4 installer will show an error message if ASCOM registration fails - ASCOM driver no longer requires ASCOM Platform to be installed prior to PWI4 installation - More ASCOM Telescope driver conformance improvements. Driver passes the latest version of the ASCOM Conformance Checker tool. - Experimental feature for more intelligent NoWrap handling on southern hemisphere Alt-Az mounts # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 23 Fixed: - Implement get_TrackingRate property in ASCOM telescope driver - Throw ASCOM.PropertyNotImplementedException rather than ASCOM.MethodNotImplementedException when attempting to set properties SiteLatitude, SiteLongitude, SiteElevation, and TrackingRate for improved ASCOM compliance and compatibility with N.I.N.A. automation software. # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 22 Changed: - Bundled AutoTuner version 1.0.2, which fixes a few minor bugs and detects severe out-of-balance or obstruction issues while slewing. # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 21 Changed: - Remove unnecessary warnings related to on-board program versions for L-series mounts. - Solar avoidance: Extended expiration date # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 20 Changed: - PW1000 driver: clears certain unimportant error codes on the control electronics when first connecting. This can help reduce or eliminate spontaneous motor shutdowns on other axes that may occur under specific circumstances. # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 19 Fixed: - If a FITS image has a non-numeric GAIN or EGAIN header, PWI4 would reject the image while building a pointing model. PWI4 will now use these images, ignoring the GAIN / EGAIN value. # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 18 Added: - If PW1000 rotator unexpectedly disables servo control, re-enable it and log details for further diagnostics # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 17 Added: - Implemented PierSide and DestinationSideOfPier in ASCOM Telescope driver (but always reports pierEast for the mounts currently supported by PWI4) - Added PW1000 Rotator and Focuser data to the telemetry log Fixed: - Fixed ASCOM Focuser driver crash when called from Voyager - Re-added USBLogView utility to installer # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 16 Added: - Experimental solar avoidance implementation Changed: - Old images taken when building a pointing model get deleted - Location of temporary pointing model images has changed - Installer includes checkboxes for ASCOM Rotator/Focuser registration for PW1000 telescopes. # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 14 Added: - GUI.cfg configuration file, which remembers Sky Chart settings and includes options to confirm before exiting the application and to show a logging window at startup. - Report the telescope's current angular distance from the sun Changed: - RA and HA values in sexagesimal format are now displayed with 2 digits behind the decimal point instead of 1 (e.g. 10:20:30.12) Fixed: - Clicking "More Stars" or "Fewer Stars" in the Sky Viewer context menu now correctly updates the display, even if the mount is disconnected. # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 13 Fixed: - ASCOM .Slewing property correctly reports that telescope is slewing immediately after calling SlewToAltAzAsync() # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 10 thru 12 Added: - Mount motor current is reported under mount status (if available) - System telemetry is logged once per second - Optional PW1000_custom.cfg configuration file for specifying custom acceleration, velocity, and position limit settings on a PW1000 telescope. - Support for following custom timestamp-position paths under a few different coordinate systems (ra/dec, altaz, and raw encoder positions) - HTTP server commands: /mount/goto_coord_pair /mount/custom_path/new /mount/custom_path/add_point_list /mount/custom_path/apply Fixed: - Pointing model builder will not add points located below 10 degrees altitude # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 9 Changed: - Increased the range of acceptable acceleration values for mounts with configurable acceleration. Fixed: - Fixed crash under Linux with newer versions of Mono installed # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 8 Added: - Utilities menu, giving quick access to Device Manager, Network Connections, and USB Log Viewer - Preliminary support for custom M3 controller Fixed: - Fixed ASCOM telescope driver comatibility issues with SkyTools software # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 4 thru 7 Added: - New HTTP server command: /mount/set_slew_time_constant - New HTTP server status: mount.slew_time_constant and mount.timestamp_utc - Dialog box confirming you want to close PWI4 - North and South Galactic Poles added to sky viewer Changed: - Visual updates to Mount Settings window - More careful synchronization between when mount encoders are measured, when LMST and JD are calculated, and when results are published to the HTTP server - Slew Time Constant value in the main GUI updates if the underlying value changes # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 3 Added: - UseUtcFromOS option in LMount.cfg. If set to true, L Mount driver will use the UTC time directly from the operating system rather than trying to use a smoothly-increasing timer. This could cause the mount to jump in position slightly if a program (e.g. Dimension4, NetTime) suddenly offsets the clock, and this is problematic if it happens mid-exposure on a sidereal target. However, it may improve performance if a clock is well regulated using something like ntpd. # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 2 Added: - New HTTP server status fields [NOT FINALIZED]: pwi4.version_field[0], [1], [2], [3] in status response.timestamp_utc mount.julian_date mount.axisN.position_timestamp # PWI 4.0.9 Beta 1 Added: - New HTTP server commands for creating an RA/Dec/Timestamp table of coordinates defining a path [NOT FINALIZED] # PWI 4.0.8 Final Added: - PWI4 now includes the AutoTuner tool for tuning motors on L-series mounts - The "Network Time" feature is available under the Commands menu, allowing users to check the accuracy of their computer clock and update the clock using an NTP server. # PWI 4.0.7 Beta 4 Changed: - Logs now include both UTC and Local timestamps Fixed: - Fixed ASCOM driver race condition that could cause a connection to be dropped if Connected=true is called repeatedly during the same session. This bug is known to affect CCDAutoPilot users. # PWI 4.0.7 Beta 3 Added: - PlaneWave.AutoFocus object now supports PW1000 focuser controlled via PWI4 # PWI 4.0.7 Beta 2 Added: - LMount.cfg options for overriding Axis0 positive/negative limits and default unwrap position - Improved handling of position limits when jogging L-series mounts # PWI 4.0.7 Beta 1 Added: - New HTTP server with better support for connections from external machines - GUI settings for configuring HTTP server - Optional config entry in LMount.cfg to specify a custom azimuth to use in the homing process. # PWI 4.0.6 Final Changed: - Removed Beta designated and bumped version number # PWI 4.0.5 Beta 16 Added: - Autodetection of L mount USB port under Linux # PWI 4.0.5 Beta 15 Added: - Improved user interface for adding spaced and gridded points to pointing model # PWI 4.0.5 Beta 14 Added: - "Add strip" feature in the "Build pointing model" window, to add mapping points along strips of constant Azimuth, Altitude, Hour Angle, or Declination. # PWI 4.0.5 Beta 13 Added: - Focuser homing routine for PW1000 # PWI 4.0.5 Beta 12 Fixed: - Alt-Az and Park goto commands are now handled without correcting for atmospheric refraction. Previously there was an issue where the Park position was stored in un-refracted coordinates, but the Park command would go to these coordinates with refraction correction applied. Near the horizon, this could mean that Goto Park would put the telescope about 0.5 degrees above where the park position had actually been set. # PWI 4.0.5 Beta 11 Fixed: - Fixed issue that could prevent TCP server from starting up properly if a client is attempting to make requests as PWI4 is launching. - Fixed issue that could cause an L mount to overshoot its target when slewing at very high speeds. # PWI 4.0.5 Beta 10 Added: - Logging for HTTP API commands - In PointXP, clicking on a point in the graph window or scatter plot will show a menu with various actions (select, enable, disable, etc.) # PWI 4.0.5 Beta 8 - 9 Added: - Better error reporting and logging for PW1000 axes # PWI 4.0.5 Beta 7 Fixed: - New default communication scheme should reduce or eliminate the frequency of communication errors related to the "DV[5]" command - Corrected an issue that would cause a jump in RA when finishing a jog at slow speeds # PWI 4.0.5 Beta 5 Added: - Experimental feature for correcting large initial azimuth offsets when building a pointing model # PWI 4.0.5 Beta 4 Fixed: - Fixed bug on the PW1000 that could cause an axis to accelerate quickly while using the jog buttons. - When jogging at high speed with tracking turned on, the axis will more smoothly decelerate back down to tracking rates rather than overshooting and backing up to a target. # PWI 4.0.5 Beta 3 Fixed: - Fixed crash on startup when running under certain versions of Mono on Linux # PWI 4.0.5 Beta 2 Added: - HTTP server includes new command /temperatures/pw1000 for retrieving temperature sensor information from the PW1000 telescope. # PWI 4.0.5 Beta 1 Added: - HTTP server includes new status values: pwi4.version mount.target_ra_apparent_hours mount.target_dec_apparent_degs - Add HTTP command /external_devices/update to allow other software to report that some device (such as an external rotator) is not yet in position and ready to begin an observation. - If at least one external device has been specified since PWI4 started running, an HTTP status value "external_devices.all_devices_ready_to_observe" will appear to advise client software talking to PWI4 whether it is safe to begin an exposure - ASCOM Mount driver will report Slewing=true if either the mount is slewing or any external devices indicate that they are not yet ready # PWI 4.0.4 Final Added: - Config file option to specify non-default IP address for L-series mounts Fixed: - Number of "Semaphore timeout period expired" errors when connected to L-series mounts via USB should be reduced or eliminated. # PWI 4.0.3 Beta 20 Changed: - In pointing model builder, added label to show that custom target pixels use coordinates based on the camera binning setting. Fixed: - Explicitly request a full-frame image in the pointing model builder, to avoid possible conflicts with previously-set subframes. # PWI 4.0.3 Beta 19 Fixed: - Mount jogging controls maintain last tracking state instead of always turning off tracking after a jog. # PWI 4.0.3 Beta 18 Added: - Additional logging of errors and diagnostic information related to L-series mount connections # PWI 4.0.3 Beta 13 thru 17 Added: - Config entry to work around a failed or unreliable Azimuth region sensor when homing L-series mounts - PW1000 rotator: report errors and motor current - PW1000 rotator: optional diagnostics can be logged to a file - Pointing model builder: show effective pixel scale based on camera binning setting - Option to override the Altitude limit on L mounts via a config file - Config file option to change which sensor is used for NoWrap/homing on an L mount - Config file option to allow HTTP API connections from other machines Changed: - Mount tracking is automatically turned on if needed before starting an autofocus - If PWI4 has lost contact with Maxim prior to starting an autofocus or pointing model run, it will try to re-establish contact - PW1000 temperature window: show that temperature grid is disabled if not connected to mount - Improve heuristic for determining if a pointing model solution is sensible - When tracking a satellite, try to find the starting position in Azimuth that will maximize the continuous tracking time before encountering a limit Fixed: - If a connection to an L mount is lost, reconnecting to the mount has a better chance of succeeding on the first try - Improved accuracy of coordinates for the Sun - PWI4 will not set binning higher than what the camera reports it can do - If there is an error during autofocus or a pointing model run, it will be reported via a Notification # PWI 4.0.3 Beta 11 and Beta 12 Added: - PW1000 Rotator tab can now go to either a selected mechanical or field angle - Add /rotator/goto_field command, and rotator.is_slewing status to HTTP API - Add /fans/on and /fans/off commands for controlling PW1000 fans - Add /mount/find_home command for homing L-series mounts - ASCOM Telescope driver now supports RightAscensionRate and DeclinationRate properties Changed: - PW1000 ASCOM Rotator driver commands field angles rather than mechanical angles by default Fixed: - Fixed issue that would cause the Rotator motor to not enable on the first try # PWI 4.0.3 Beta 10 Fixed: - Fixed a bug that could cause the program to crash if the program tried to open a COM port that was already in use by another program. - Fixed a bug that prevented the Messier / NGC catalogs from loading on computers that were configured with regional settings that represent decimal numbers using a comma rather than a decimal point (e.g. "3,14" rather than "3.14"). Installations in many countries, including France and Germany, may be affected. # PWI 4.0.3 Beta 5: Jan 31, 2019 Added: - Can now move to previous steps in spiral search - Diagonal buttons in Jog window allow for simultaneous movement of both axes - Numerous additions to the TCP/HTTP server API. Changed: - Default Altitude axis limit for Alt-Az L mounts has temporarily been changed to -2 degrees. Fixed: - Fixed pointing issues with equatorial L mounts in the southern hemisphere - Fixed issue that could cause unnecessarily high CPU usage when connected to L mounts - In rare cases, pointing models with extremely large errors could retain invalid encoder offsets after all points were removed. Offsets should now be correctly zeroed out even in these edge cases. - Numerous other minor fixes and cleanups # PWI 4.0.2 Final: Sept 28, 2018 Added: - Can set the barometric pressure and temperature in the PointXP Model Parameters window - Pointing model builder will refine the default pixel scale used to PlateSolve images once it has a high-confidence solution - Pointing model builder performs sanity checks on points being added to the model, and leaves the point disabled if it deviates too far from where the model expects it to be - When bringing up the pointing model builder, a warning will be shown if the PlateSolve3 catalog is not installed. - When adding a single point to the model via the model builder, mount tracking will be turned on if it isn't already - A new checkbox allows the user to manually confirm that a dome is in position before taking an image in the model builder - Can view this changelog in PWI4 via Help menu Fixed: - PlateSolving the first image in the pointing model builder took longer than necessary. Should be faster now. - PlateSolve should run faster once a basic model is in place, and has a higher chance of success on systems with a small field of view. - For Alt-Az mounts, the first PlateSolved image added to the model is often streaked. The model builder now uses information from the midpoint of the exposure rather than the start of the exposure to improve the accuracy of this first point so that it is less likely to be an outlier in the final model. # PWI 4.0.1: Sept 1, 2018 Added: - ASCOM Mount driver adds support for the following methods/properties: UTCDate SiteLatitude SiteLongitude SiteElevation AtPark Park() Unpark() SetPark() SlewToAltAz() SlewtoAltAzAsync() The following properties now return True: CanPark CanSetPark CanSlewAltAz CanSlewAltAzAsync CanUnpark - GUI controls to park, unpark, set park, and go to a fixed alt/az position - GUI windows to track and asteroid or comet using orbital elements, or a satellite using a TLE - For PW1000 systems, the Rotator control displays the predicted field angle at the current position Changed: - Default altitude axis limit for Alt-Az L-series mounts has changed from 15 degrees to 0 degrees. - Polar alignment tool reports adjustment directions correctly based on the current hemisphere - Polar alignment tool is restricted to equatorial mounts only - Enable/Disable Axis buttons now label each axis appropriately (Alt/Az or RA/Dec depending on the type of mount) Fixed: - IsSlewing should remain False after a slew is complete even if the tracking error becomes high. Previously it would return True whenever the tracking error exceeded a certain threshold. - Clicking "Find home" should work correctly even if the mount is slewing to or tracking a target - Disabling an axis while tracking no longer causes the mount to disconnect and display an error message. - In some cases, after certain communication errors it would take multiple attempts to re-connect to L-series mounts. Now it should work correctly on the first try.