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CDK17 at Ole Miss

CDK17 at Ole Miss

The Kennon Observatory on the campus of the University of Mississippi was constructed in 1939 and consists of two copper-roofed domes. The smaller dome currently houses a seventeen-inch f/6.8 Plane Wave, Corrected Dall-Kirkham (CDK) reflector telescope (purchased...

Planewave Telescopes on the iTelescope Network The 0.7 meter Corrected Dall-Kirkham Astrograph by Planewave and will be the largest system we offer in the Southern Hemisphere, as well as the largest system on the iTelescope network.  The Planewave CDK 700 is a...
Modesto College

Modesto College

CDK700 at Modesto College The roof of the Science Community Center will be an observation platform for astronomy lab courses and public viewing. Student imaging will be done with a 12-inch PlaneWave Corrected Dall Kirkham telescope. The observatory will be accessed...