Browse astrophotography captured through PlaneWave Instruments’ gear in addition to observatory installations showcasing our equipment in the field.
Observatories & Equipment
Rod Pommier
Jim Turner
Dave Collings
Michael Adler
Rod Pommier
James Edlin
James Edlin
James Edlin
Greg Funderburk
Dave Collings
Rod Pommier
James Edlin
Rick Schneider
Tony Hallas
ObsTech Chile
Rod Pommier
Kevin Morefield
Greg Funderburk
Rick Schneider
Tony Hallas
Rod Pommier
Ted Wolfe
Dave Collings
James Edlin
Rod Pommier
Greg Funderburk
Rod Pommier
Greg Funderburk
James Edlin
James Edlin
Rod Pommier
Greg Funderburk
Greg Funderburk
Rod Pommier
Sam Berrada
Kevin Morefield
James Edlin
Rick Schneider
Rod Pommier
Greg Funderburk
Dave Collings
Rick Schneider
James Edlin
Dave Collings
Rouz Astro
Rod Pommier
Mark Hanson & Mike Selby
Kevin Morefield
Rod Pommier
Dave Collings
Bernard Miller
Jon Norman
Rod Pommier
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Maxx Haehn
Rod Pommier
Dave Collings
Rod Pommier
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Dave Collings
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Ted Wolfe
Rod Pommier Observatory
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
James Turner
James Turner
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Ted Wolfe
Ted Wolfe
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Michael Tzukran
Greg Turgeon
Ted Wolfe
Trifid Nebula
Markarian’s Chain
Lagoon Nebula
Eagle Nebula
Crescent Nebula
Kevin Morefield
Kevin Morefield
Kevin Morefield
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Mike Selby
Mike Selby
Mike Selby
Mike Selby
Mike Selby
CDK1000 Observatory System
CDK600 Observatory Telescope System
CDK1000 Observatory System
Siena College
NASA Goddard
Palomar Observatory
Four Seasons Lanai
ObsTech Remote Observatory
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Jeff Lovelace
Kurious George
Kevin Morefield
Jeff Lovelace
Kurious George
Matt Dieterich
Matt Dieterich
Matt Dieterich
Kurious George
New Mexico Skies
Tony Hallas
Bob & Janice Fera
Damian Peach
Damian Peach
Bill Snyder
Bill Snyder
Warren Keller
The Moon
Bill Snyder
Don Goldman
M20: Trifid Nebula
The Eta Carina Nebula
Bill Snyder
Bill Snyder
Tony Hallas
Bob & Janice Fera
Bob & Janice Fera
CDK400 Observatory Telescope System
CDK500 Observatory Telescope System
CDK1000 Observatory System
CDK1000 Observatory System
CDK1000 Observatory System
Adler Planetarium
CDK1000 Observatory System
Don Goldman
Load More
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Ted Wolfe
Dave Collings
Sam Berrada
Rick Schneider
Dave Collings
Rick Schneider
Dave Collings
Rouz Astro
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Ted Wolfe
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Ted Wolfe
Ted Wolfe
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Dave Collings
Ted Wolfe
Load More
Greg Funderburk
Greg Funderburk
Greg Funderburk
Greg Funderburk
Greg Funderburk
Kevin Morefield
Kevin Morefield
Kevin Morefield
Kevin Morefield
Warren Keller
The Moon
Load More
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Tony Hallas
Rod Pommier
Tony Hallas
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Kevin Morefield
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Kevin Morefield
Rod Pommier
Jon Norman
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Rick Schneider
Rod Pommier
Rod Pommier
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Rick Schneider
Greg Turgeon
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Martin Pugh
Tony Hallas
Bob & Janice Fera
Bill Snyder
Bill Snyder
Bill Snyder
Bill Snyder
Bill Snyder
Tony Hallas
Bob & Janice Fera
Bob & Janice Fera
CDK400 Observatory Telescope System
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Jeff Lovelace
Jeff Lovelace
Damian Peach
Damian Peach
Don Goldman
CDK500 Observatory Telescope System
Don Goldman
Jim Turner
Michael Adler
Bernard Miller
James Turner
James Turner
Michael Tzukran
CDK600 Observatory Telescope System
ObsTech Remote Observatory
Kurious George
Kurious George
Matt Dieterich
Matt Dieterich
Matt Dieterich
Kurious George
New Mexico Skies
M20: Trifid Nebula
Adler Planetarium
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