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WR134 by Dave Collings

Submitted by Chelsea Chin

WR 134: “The Blue Dolphin”

  • Processed and captured as a HOO narrowband.
  •  16 hours of just OIII and another 7 hours of Ha to make this image appear in all its splendor.
  • I imaged WR 134 from 8-20-2023 to 9-16-2023 for many evening sessions (1 month) of imaging to get enough data to pull out the details!
  • PlaneWave CDK12.5
  • PW 0.66 reducer
  • ATIK 16200 Mono main camera with Chroma narrowband filters.
  • Mount is an Astro-Physics 1100GTO CP4.

“The details of the Dolphin are incredible making it easy to identify the nose, head, body, eye, dorsal fin, and tail fin.  What a great target for the Planewave 12.5” CDK to show off its capabilities. Very pleased with my final stack image of WR 134. ”


David Collings – Blue Ridge Observatory | Sparta, North Carolina  USA
