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Modesto College

CDK700 at Modesto College

The roof of the Science Community Center will be an observation platform for astronomy lab courses and public viewing. Student imaging will be done with a 12-inch PlaneWave Corrected Dall Kirkham telescope. The observatory will be accessed from the roof and will house a PlaneWave CDK 700, a wonderful 28-inch telescope designed for imaging and public viewing. TheCDK 700 will be piggy-backed by a 4-inch Takahashi refractor telescope and a Santa Barbara Instruments high resolution spectrograph. Images from the observatory telescope can be viewed in a lecture room and the planetarium. opening the study of the night sky up to a larger audience.

Modesto observatory

Modesto Science Community Center Observatory

Modesto CDK700

CDK700 at Modesto Junior College. Courtesy of Modesto bee