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BACHES Echelle-Spectrograph


The BACHES Echelle-Spectrograph, shown here with the recommended, optinally available Remote Calibration Unit RCU (on the left, with an SBIG ST 1603 ME camera attached), is a professional spectrograph for precise, high-resolution analysis of spectra. BACHES is an acronym for Basic Echelle Spektrograph.

About the BACHES Echelle-Spectrograph
  • Baader BACHES Echelle-Spektrograf: A New Level of SCIENTIFIC SPECTROSCOPY with small Telescopes
  • average spectral resolution R = 18,000
  • changeable 25 and 50μm slits. Slit length 125μm
  • light and compact, only 1350g (without CCD camera)



BACHES Echelle-Spectrograph

MANUFACTURER Baader Planetarium
SKU (#) 2458600
EAN CODE 4047825024213
USAGE Professional use in astronomical / scientific research and university student education (astronomical internships). Suitable for advanced amateur astronomers, who already have experience in star spectroscopy
SPECTRAL RESOLUTION average spectral resolution R = 18,000
OPTIMIZED SPECTRAL RANGE 392-800nm continuously (depending on sensor size)
BREAK-EVEN VALUE 10 mag. vis (50cm-telescope, S/N=20, 30min. exposure (see
MECHANICAL DESIGN Echelle-Spectrograph with high mechanical stability, FE designed, torsion deformation below 9μm at 180° rotation
FIELD SIZE optimized for sensor sizes ca. 15x10mm, 9μm Pixel (i.e. KAF-1603), usable with 7x4mm sensor sizes (i.e. ST-402) and DSLR‘s
OPTIMIZED FOR FOCAL RATIO optimized for 8" to 24" f/10 telescopes (full resolution from f/8 to f/12)
SLIT SIZE changeable 25 and 50μm slits. Slit length 125μm
ILLUMINATION manual red LED for Slit-Focusing
SPECIAL FEATURES Including instruction for Spectra Callibration. solenoid switches between the light from the telescope and the ThAr calibration and flat field lamp of the RCU
GUIDING PORT with 1¼“-connection for eyepieces, video- or guiding cameras
INCLUDED ACCESSORIES Standard: with ThAr lamp mounted on BACHES body (with separate power supply).
Professional with Remote Calibration Unit (RCU) with built-in ThAr lamp and halogen flat field lamp remotely controlled via web interface
OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 1.5x-barlow lense: to optimize ca. f/6.8-telescopes to f/10. Remote Calibration Unit (RCU) for professional calibration of Echelle Spectra
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