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HartSCI ClearStar Adaptive Optics

Call for price

HartSCI’s ClearStar AO™ system represents a paradigm shift in high-resolution imaging. For the first time, high-performance image sharpening is available as an off-the-shelf product for small to mid-size professional telescopes. ClearStar AO™ overcomes atmospheric blurring to deliver diffraction-limited image quality to science instruments operating in the 750 – 1000 nm wavebands. Built-in hardware and software tools support full and automatic internal calibration. The system connects to the outside world through a simple ethernet port and comes with a full-featured browser-based graphical user interface that can be run on any computer.  ClearStarAO™ can also be controlled through an Application Programmers’ Interface (API), enabling fully automatic operation and seamless integration into the observatory environment.

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About the HartSCI ClearStar Adaptive Optics


  • Correction to the diffraction limit in 750 – 1000 nm waveband
  • Mates natively to PlaneWave CDK700, RC700, and PW1000 telescopes
  • Supports PlaneWave IRF90 instrument rotator/focuser
  • Customizable interface to other PlaneWave Instruments telescopes available
  • Diffraction-limited output beam delivers Nyquist-sampled images with common cameras
  • Built-in scoring/acquisition camera and calibration source
  • Customizable wavelength split between science and wavefront sensor channels
  • Automated target acquisition on wavefront sensor
  • Automated tracking error offload to telescope mount
  • Fiber coupling unit available (Q3 2022)


  • Breaks historical high-cost paradigm for high-order AO
  • Dollar for dollar the highest resolution and contrast for imaging and spectroscopy for meter-class telescopes
  • Eyes on sky within hours of delivery


  • Full-featured browser-based graphical user interface runs on any remote computer
  • Simple HTTP-based API offers full automation and seamless integration into observatory control systems (Q4 2022)
  • Built-in automated calibration functions
  • User-selectable recording of multiple full-speed telemetry streams to common HDF5 file format


HartSCI ClearStar Adaptive Optics

Correction speed

Up to 1000 updates per second

Wavefront sensor

8x8 Shack-Hartmann

Actuator count


Full-stroke tip-tilt control

±2 arcmin

Output focal ratio


External connectivity


Telescope mounting

Nasmyth port

Power draw

80 W


40 kg

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