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search & download the necessary documentation for your instruments

700 Series Enclosure Drawings
General Drawings and Diagrams, Observatory Systems (700/1000 Series)
SkyMonitor Datasheet
Sky Monitor
SkyMonitor Layout
Sky Monitor
1708378022wpdm_600382 – Ascend A200 Accessory.pdf
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
The Ascend – A200 Balance Accessory: Installation Guide
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
Wedge Mounting Instructions and Turns Per Degree
Instruction Manuals, Mount Manuals
Portable Rolling Pier Drawing
General Drawings and Diagrams
SecureFit Spacer Drawing
SecureFit to M68 x 1
CDK14 to CDK24 Hedrick Focuser Faceplate Guide
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
CDK14 to CDK24 Hedrick Focuser STEP File
General Drawings and Diagrams
Hedrick Focuser Troubleshooting Manual
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
CDK700 Low Profile Reducer to Series 5 Focuser and Rotator
CDK700 Reducer with Series 5 Focuser and Rotator Drawing
General Drawings and Diagrams
L-350 Mount Balance Estimator Spreadsheet
PlaneWave Instruments Product Catalog
Brochures and Articles
PlaneWave 7.125″ Flange to SecureFit (Series-5 to SecureFit) Drawing
Series-5 Focuser and Rotator Stacked Drawing
General Drawings and Diagrams
Series-5 Rotator Drawing
General Drawings and Diagrams
Series-5 Focuser Drawing
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK700 Pier Top Plate Drawing
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK700 Pier Base Plate Drawing
General Drawings and Diagrams
L-500/L-600 Pier Base Plate Drawing
General Drawings and Diagrams
L-350 Pier Base Plate Drawing
General Drawings and Diagrams
A flexible low-cost optical communications ground terminal at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Brochures and Articles
L-600 Mount and Swing-Through Dimensions Drawing
General Drawings and Diagrams
L-500 Mount and Swing-Through Dimensions Drawing
General Drawings and Diagrams
IRF90 Rotating Focuser Backlash Adjustment Guide (Models made before 2015)
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
IRF90 Rotating Focuser Troubleshooting Guide
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
IRF90 Rotating Focuser Backlash Adjustment Guide (Models made after 2015)
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
CDK24 to QHY Camera Adapter Charts
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations, General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK20 to QHY Camera Adapter Charts
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations, General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK17 to QHY Camera Adapter Charts
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations, General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK14 to QHY Camera Adapter Charts
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations, General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK12.5 to QHY Camera Adapter Charts
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations, General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK24 to ZWO Camera Adapter Charts
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations, General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK20 to ZWO Camera Adapter Charts
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations, General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK17 to ZWO Camera Adapter Charts
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations, General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK14 to ZWO Camera Adapter Charts
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations, General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK12.5 to ZWO Camera Adapter Charts
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations, General Drawings and Diagrams
DeltaRho 350 Technical Document
Brochures and Articles
SecureFit to M68 x 1
General Drawings and Diagrams
SecureFit to M62 x 0.75
General Drawings and Diagrams
SecureFit to M54 x 0.75
General Drawings and Diagrams
SecureFit to M48 x 0.75
General Drawings and Diagrams
DeltaRho 350 Data
Product Images
Reducer 0.7x for PW1000
General Drawings and Diagrams, Observatory Systems (700/1000 Series)
CDK600 Plan Drawing
General Drawings and Diagrams
L-500 and L-600 Pier Interface Drawing
General Drawings and Diagrams
Hedrick Focuser Troubleshooting Guide
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
CDK14 and CDK20 EFA Instructions
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
CDK1000 Backfocus Diagram
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations, General Drawings and Diagrams, Observatory Systems (700/1000 Series)
RC700 Technical Document
Brochures and Articles, Observatory Systems (700/1000 Series)
CDK12.5 EFA Kit Instruction Manual
Accessories, Instruction Manuals, Optical Tube Assemblies
PlaneWave Interface 4.1.0
Collimation and Secondary Spacing Procedure for CDK12.5
Instruction Manuals, Optical Tube Assemblies
L-350 Mechanical Installation Guide
Mount Manuals
CDK700 Telescope Install Manual
Observatory Systems (700/1000 Series)
Collimating the CDK700 (Serial numbers 005 and higher)
Observatory Systems (700/1000 Series)
CDK700 Software Guide
Observatory Systems (700/1000 Series)
PWI4 Software User Manual (V15 1.7.2021)
Instruction Manuals, Mount Manuals, Software
L350 Wedge Mechanical Drawing
General Drawings and Diagrams
PW1000 overall dims
General Drawings and Diagrams
Piggyback Dovetail Bar Assembly Drawing
General Drawings and Diagrams
L-600 Mount Dimensions
General Drawings and Diagrams
L-500 Mount Dimensions
General Drawings and Diagrams
L-350 Pier Interface
General Drawings and Diagrams
L-350 Mount Dimensions
General Drawings and Diagrams
L-350 Altitude Axis Hole Pattern
General Drawings and Diagrams
IRF90 Visual Adapters Diagram
Accessories, General Drawings and Diagrams, Optical Tube Assemblies
Hedrick Focuser Flange Diagram
General Drawings and Diagrams
FLI Centerline Adapter Diagram (200395-CL)
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK700 Overall Dimensions
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK500 (L-500 mount & CDK20) Dimensions
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK24 Vignetting and Spot Size Plots
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK24 Piggyback Dovetail Plate Diagram (240990)
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK24 Overall Dimensions
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK20 Vignetting and Spot Size Plots
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK20 Spot and Diffraction Diagram
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK20 Piggyback Dovetail Plate Diagram (200990)
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK20 Overall Dimensions
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK17 Vignetting and Spot Size Plots
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK17 Piggyback Dovetail Plate Diagram (170990)
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK17 Overall Dimensions
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK17 Bottom Dovetail Plate Diagram (170319)
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK14 Overall Dimensions
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK12.5 Vignetting and Spot Size Plots
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK12.5 Spot and Diffraction Diagram
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK12.5 Overall Dimensions
General Drawings and Diagrams
Ascend System Mount Bar Diagram (600382)
General Drawings and Diagrams
A200 Mount Overall Dimensions
General Drawings and Diagrams
CDK20/24 to SBIG Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
CDK20/24 to FLI Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
CDK20/24 to Apogee Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
CDK20/24 IRF90 to SBIG STX Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
CDK20/24 IRF90 to Apogee Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
CDK17 to SBIG Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
CDK17 to FLI Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
CDK17 to Apogee Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
CDK17 IRF90 to SBIG STX Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
CDK17 IRF90 to Apogee Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
CDK14 to SBIG Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
CDK14 to FLI Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
CDK14 to Apogee Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
CDK12.5 to SBIG Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
CDK12.5 to FLI Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
CDK12.5 to Apogee Adapters
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
Adapters and Spacers for SBIG Cameras
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
Adapters and Spacers for QSI Cameras
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
Adapters and Spacers for FLI Cameras
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
Adapters and Spacers for DSLR Cameras
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
Adapters and Spacers for Apogee Cameras
Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations
Astronomy Technology Today: The PlaneWave Instruments CDK
Brochures and Articles
Amateur Astronomy #57: The CDK700 Alt-Az Telescope
Brochures and Articles
CDK24 Optical Tube Brochure
Brochures and Articles
CDK20 Optical Tube
Brochures and Articles
CDK12.5 Optical Tube Brochure
Brochures and Articles
Secure Fit CCD Spacer Installation
Accessories, Camera Spacer/Adapter Configurations, Instruction Manuals
Reducer Lens .66x Instructions
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
PlaneWave Interface 2 Manual (old version)
Instruction Manuals, Software
PlaneWave AutoFocus COM Interface
Instruction Manuals, Software
Piggyback Dovetail Installation Instructions (CDK17 and CDK20)
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
Piggyback Dovetail Installation Instructions (CDK12.5)
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
Piggyback Dovetail Bar Assembly Drawing
Instruction Manuals
Mounting the EFA Electronics Box to the CDK12.5
Instruction Manuals
L-500 & L-600 Mount Mechanical Installation Guide
Instruction Manuals, Mount Manuals
Integrated Rotating Focuser (IRF90) Instructions
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
Finder Scope Assembly Instructions
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
EZ Saddle Instructions
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
EFA Hand Controller Instructions
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
EFA Communication Protocol
Instruction Manuals
Delta-T Firmware Upgrade and RS-232 Instructions
Instruction Manuals, Software
Delta T Dew Heater Instructions
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
Collimation and Spacing Instructions for CDK14, 17, 20, and 24
Instruction Manuals, Optical Tube Assemblies
Cleaning Optics CDK14/17/20/24
Instruction Manuals, Optical Tube Assemblies
Cleaning Optics CDK12.5
Instruction Manuals, Optical Tube Assemblies
CDK17 Lens Cell Removal
Instruction Manuals, Optical Tube Assemblies
Ascend Balancing Accessory Manual
Accessories, Instruction Manuals
A200 Mount Manual
Instruction Manuals, Mount Manuals
600560 – Wedge L500/600
Instruction Manuals
600360 – Tandem Bar for A200 Mount
Instruction Manuals
Pier Height Calculator
General Drawings and Diagrams, Instruction Manuals, Mount Manuals, Observatory Systems (700/1000 Series), Optical Tube Assemblies, Tools
High Resolution Product Images
Product Images
Hand Controller Update
EFA Firmware Update
Delta-T Firmware Update
UCAC3 Star Catalog
APM Star Catalog Installer
PlateSolve2 v2.28
ASCOM Driver for PWI Focus
PWI Focus 1.0.20
PlaneWave Mirror Cover Control 1.15.0
PlateSolve 3 Star Catalog Data (Part 2 of 2)
PlateSolve 3 Star Catalog Installer (Part 1 of 2)
PlaneWave Interface for CDK700
PlaneWave Interface for CDK700
STI Southern Hemisphere Config for A200
STI 1.4.3 Final
PlaneWave Interface 4.1.6
PlaneWave Interface 3.5.7
PlaneWave Interface 3.5.7
CDK12.5 Overall Dimensions (2229)
General Drawings and Diagrams