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what our astronomers say

“Setup of our CDK700 was efficient and seamless. Homing the scope only takes about 20 seconds total, and from there, it’s as simple as pointing and slewing. A typical night for us consists of starting the observatory, taking calibration frames, and then taking our light frames; getting our scope set up is the quickest part of this process. In the PWI4 software, you can even customize boundaries for the altitude and azimuth of the fork mount, ensuring that cable wrap and other issues are never a problem.”

Maxx Haehn, Western Kentucky University | CDK700

“I’ve been interested in astronomy all my life using all types of amateur scopes and mounts. I started astrophotography about 15 years ago with poor results, using other name-brand mounts. I had trouble with pointing accuracy and was unable to get good results.

After setting up my [PlaneWave] equipment I was finally able to image with ease. Pointing accuracy is perfect, with no guiding at all and no meridian flip. I can finally take many hours of imaging with outstanding results. Support is second to none!

My success with PlaneWave prompted me to purchase in addition to my observatory a L-350 mount with the Delta Rho 350, another fine piece of equipment. Now I operate two at once.”

Mike Chiarella

“The CDK17 optics are superb with a flat field that provides stunning clarity across the entire frame and pinpoint stars all the way to the corners of my large format CCD chip. The L-500 mount is direct drive, has no periodic error, and no backlash. Once it builds a pointing model, it centers all targets on the chip. Although I do auto guide when targets have a suitable guide star, the L-500 tracking is so precise that I can now shoot targets lacking a guide star without any auto guiding and still get sharp images with perfectly round stars. The CDK17’s fans and Delta-T Heater system automatically keeps the system free from dew.

What PlaneWave says is true; astrophotography is so much more enjoyable and rewarding when the equipment fades into the background and simply performs as it should.

Some of the first objects I shot with my PlaneWave system were objects I’d shot with my previous telescope. I encourage you to look at my website and compare the old images with the new PlaneWave images. The differences are jaw-dropping.”

Rod Pommier, Pommier Observatory | CDK400