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IC405 by Dave Collings

Submitted by Chelsea Chin

IC405: The Flaming Nebula

This image of the Flaming Nebula (IC405) was imaged in narrowband Ha, OIII, SII using my PlaneWave 12.5” CDK telescope with a PW 0.66 reducer sitting on the Astro-Physics mount 1100GTO CP4. Total integration time with my ATIK 16200 Mono camera was 12 hours of Ha, OIII, and SII.  Filters used are Chroma 3nm in an ATIK EFW3 filter wheel. Guide scope is an Astromania 400mm refractor with ASI290mm camera. The Blue Ridge Observatory is located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina at an altitude of 3000ft.

The Flaming Star Nebula is an emission and reflection nebula in the constellation Auriga, surrounding the bluish star AE Aurigae.  It surrounds the irregular variable star AE Aurigae and is located near the emission nebula IC 410, the open clusters M38 and M36. The nebula measures approximately 37.0′ x 19.0′ and lies about 1,500 light-years away from Earth. It is believed that the proper motion of the central star can be traced back to the Orion’s Belt area.


David Collings – Blue Ridge Observatory | Sparta, North Carolina  USA
