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IC63/IC59 by Dave Collings

Submitted by Chelsea Chin

IC63 / IC59: “The Ghost of Cassiopeia”

  • Total of 26 hours in this image due to the difficulty of it being so dim with minimal OIII signal.
  • The image has 6 hours of Ha, 11 Hours of OIII, and 9 hours of SII. It was imaged on 4 different evenings taking over 2 1/2 weeks to collect the data.
  • Plane Wave 12.5”CDK with 0.66 PW reducer sitting on an Astro-Physics 1100GTO CP4 mount.
  • Main camera is an ATIK 16200 Mono with Chroma filters.  This image is an SHO narrowband stacked and edited in PixInsight.


David Collings – Blue Ridge Observatory | Sparta, North Carolina  USA
