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Electronic Focus Accessory (EFA) Kit

SKU# 240901

Price: $920.00$1,150.00

  • The EFA kit automates focusing on the optional Hedrick Focuser, or IRF90 rotating focuser.
  • Monitors temperature (primary mirror and OTA back-plate).
  • Controls the fans built-in to CDK telescopes.
  • Ensure you have the proper EFA kit selected for your telescope below.
    • 125901-Kit is for CDK12.5 OTAs.
    • 240901-Kit is for CDK14, CDK17, CDK20, CDK24 OTAs, and CDK700.



The EFA control box can be mounted to the back plate of any PlaneWave telescope OTA (12.5 through 24 inches).  The EFA Kit plugs into the temperature sensors and fan control systems that are built into each telescope. A Hand Control is provided to control an optional Focuser or Rotator when standing at the eyepiece.  The EFA kit comes with PlaneWave Interface (PWI3), a software package that controls all EFA functions from a PC.  Cables and adapters are provided to attach the EFA kit to a PC. The EFA kit is ASCOM compatible.



EFA PC Port Protocol Overview

  • Message Packet:
    • SOM Start Of Message byte must start every message packet.   SOM = 59 = 0x3B
    • NUM   Number of Bytes is calculated by: NUM = [(Packet Byte Count) – 3]   (Note: The bytes SOM, NUM, and CHK are not counted in NUM)
    • SRC   Source Address
    • RCV   Receiver Address
    • CMD   Command   See below for a list.
    • DA1   DATA1   Optional data byte, Some commands require data.
    • DA2   DATA2   Optional data byte, Some commands require data.
    • DA3   DATA3   Optional data byte, Some commands require data.
    • CHK   Checksum   The last byte of the message packet is a Checksum. It is calculated by summing the bytes of the packet, excluding the SOM and CHK, and taking the Least Significant Byte of the two’s complement. Examples are below.
  • When data bytes combine to represent an integer, the MOST-SIGNIFICANT data byte is sent first.
  • All messages require the Receiver to respond. If the “no data” response is necessary, the Receiver will respond by sending a message with the CMD it received.   NOTE: THE EFA RESPONDS TO ANY MESSAGE RECEIVED, EVEN INVALID COMMANDS!
  • Port Settings:
    • Baud Rate: 19200
    • Parity: None
    • Data bits: 8
    • Stop bits: 1
    • RTS/CTS Flow Control
      • PC waits for the CTS to be clear
      • PC enables the RTS
      • PC sends message packet
      • PC clears the RTS


  • Scale Factor: (115134.42 Encoder Counts) = (1 mm Focuser Travel)
  • Nominal Focuser Travel: 33 mm = 3799422 Encoder Counts
  • Focuser Encoder = 0 when racked completely in

Standard Addresses

Device Decimal Hex
PC Computer 32 0x20
HC Hand Control 14 0x0D
FOC Focuser 18 0x12
FAN Fan Controller 19 0x13
TEMP Temperature Sensor 18 0x12


Command Description CMD (Hex) Send Data Response Data Send Sample (Hex) Respond Sample (Hex)
MTR_GET_POS Get position 0x01 3 bytes (encoder position) 3B 03 20 12 01 CA 3B 06 12 20 01 00 00 00 C7

Encoder Position = 0

MTR_GOTO_POS2 GOTO position 0x17 3 bytes (encoder position) 1 byte (1=OK) Goto Position = 0x140000 = 1310720
MTR_OFFSET_CNT Set current focuser encoder position. Often used to set focuser encoder to Zero. 0x04 3 bytes (encoder position) 1 byte (1=OK) 3B 06 20 12 04 14 00 00 B0

Set Encoder Position = 0x140000 = 1310720

3B 04 12 20 04 01 C5
MTR_GOTO_OVER Determine if the motor is moving during a GOTO? 0x13 1 byte (255=YES, 0=NO) 3B 03 20 12 13 B8 3B 04 12 20 13 FF B8

Goto is Over

MTR_SLEWLIMITMAX Set the Maximum Slew Limit. 0x1B 3 bytes 1 byte (1=OK) 3B 06 20 12 1B 3B 82 60 90

Set Min Slew Limit = 0x3B8260 = 3900000

3B 04 12 20 1B 01 AE
MTR_SLEWLIMITGETMAX Returns the Maximum Slew Limit in encoder ticks 0x1D 3 bytes (encoder position) 3B 03 20 12 1D AE 3B 06 12 20 1D 3A 4F A5 7D

Maximum Slew Limit = 0x3A4FA5 = 3821477

MTR_PMSLEW_RATE Move the motor positive. Motor will stop when the Max Slew Limit is reached. 0x24 One byte for the speed (stop to fastest) = (0x00 to 0x09) 1 byte (1=OK) 3B 04 20 12 24 09 9D

Go Positive Top Speed

3B 04 12 20 24 01 A5
MTR_NMSLEW_RATE Move the motor negative. Motor will stop when the Min Slew Limit is reached. 0x25 One byte for the speed (stop to fastest) = (0x00 to 0x09) 1 byte (1=OK) 3B 04 20 12 25 09 9C

Go Negative Top Speed

3B 04 12 20 25 01 A4
TEMP_GET Get the temperature of one sensor 0x26 One byte address(Primary=0, Ambient=1, Secondary=2) 3 bytes (byte1=address, [byte2 & byte3] = Temperature…See Formula Below) 3B 04 20 12 26 01 A3

Request Temp for ambient

3B 05 12 20 26 5C 01 46

Temp=5C01 (see below for conversion to Celcius)

FANS_SET Set the fans, on or off. 0x27 1 byte (1=ON, 0=OFF) 1 byte (1=OK) 3B 04 20 13 27 01 A1


3B 04 13 20 27 01 A1
FANS_GET Get the fans state, on or off. 0x28 1 byte (0=ON, 3=OFF) 3B 03 20 13 28 A2 3B 04 13 20 28 00 A1


MTR_GET_CALIBRATION_STATE Determine if the focuser as been calibrated. Useful for Handcontrol and PWI Focus software. 0x30 1 byte (0x40) 1 byte (0=NO, 1=YES) 3B 04 20 12 30 40 5A 3B 04 12 20 30 01 99

Motor = calibrated.

MTR_SET_CALIBRATION_STATE Set the calibration state for the focuser. Useful for Handcontrol and PWI Focus software. 0x31 2 bytes (Calibrated = 40 01) and (Not = 40 0) 1 byte (1=OK) 3B 05 20 12 31 40 01 57

Set calibration = true

3B 04 12 20 31 01 98
MTR_GET_STOP_DETECT Determine if Motor will stop when the focuser hits a physical hardstop. 0xEE 1 byte (1=YES, 0=NO) 3B 03 20 12 EE DD 3B 04 12 20 EE 01 DB

Stop Detect = enabled

MTR_STOP_DETECT Set the controller to stop when focuser hits a physical hardstop. 0xEF 1 byte (1=YES, 0=NO) 3B 04 20 12 EF 01 DA

Set Stop Detect = enabled

3B 03 12 20 EF DC
MTR_GET_APPROACH_DIRECTION Get the approach of motor during a goto 0xFC 1 byte (0=negative, 1=positive=default) 3B 03 20 12 FC CF 3B 04 12 20 FC 00 CE

Motor is set to approach from positive, this is default.

MTR_APPROACH_DIRECTION Get the approach of motor during a goto 0xFD 1 byte (0=negative, 1=positive=default) 1 byte (1=OK) 3B 04 20 12 FD 00 CD

Set APPROACH = positive, this is default.

3B 04 12 20 FD 01 CC
GET_VERSION Get Firmware Version 0xFE 2 bytes (byte1=Major, second byte2=minor) 3B 03 20 12 FE CD 3B 05 12 20 FE 01 05 C5

Version = 1.5

Convert Temperature to Celsius

  • The response request for temperature is 3 bytes
  • byte1=address, byte2 & byte3 are used to calcuate the temperature
  • If there is no sensor for the address requested, the response bytes are 0x7F7F
  • (Primary=0, Ambient=1, Secondary=2)

Conversion of the two received bytes to Celsius

int rawTemp = byte2*256 + byte3
bool tempIsNeg = false
if(rawTemp > 32768)
tempIsNeg = true
rawTemp = 65536 – rawTemp
int intPart = RawTemp / 16
int fractionDigit = (RawTemp – intPart) * 625 / 1000
float celciusTemp = intPart + fractionDigit / 10
if(tempIsNeg) celciusTemp = -celciusTemp

PC Port Cable – RJ45 and DB9

  • 2 Receive Data
  • 3 Transmit Data
  • 5 Signal Ground
  • 7 Request To Send
  • 8 Clear To Send




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